Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I can buy whatever I want!

Personally it is hard for me to get really excited over the question of what the government can or cannot tell us what to buy.  It does not damage my personal liberty when the government restricted cigarette smoking in public places or requires nutrition labels on food packaging.  It seems that many times that the government is forced to act on a safety or health issue only after years of research and debate.  The government has a responsibility to protect the health and safety of it's citizens.

      In July, the Republicans in congress and Rupert Murdock's Wall Street Journal  tried to draw a line in the sand over the "government nanny state".  The BULB Act became a rally call in the conservatives battle against government intrusion on personal liberty.  Representative Joe Barton, Texas Republican, said "The 2010 elections demonstrated that Americans are fed up with government intrusion.  The federal government has crept so deep into our lives that federal agencies now determine what kind of light bulb the American people are allowed to purchase".
       It is interesting that the Republicans and Fox News have picked this issue.  The 2007 Energy Bill(Passed under George W. Bush) raised energy efficiency standards for light bulbs that go into effect in 2014.  However from the hysteria I can almost picture light bulb police knocking on my door.  It seems that the Republicans are more interested in raising the fear of "socialist" government than in discussing issues facing our country.


1. BULB Act failed to get two-third majority in the Republican- controlled house, in July 2011.
2.  Joe Barton quoted in Enviome Magazine, September 2011.
3.  Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was under George W. Bush.
4.  Light bulbs must be 25 to 30% more efficient by 2014. 


1 comment:

  1. Josh,

    Good post. It's on the right track, but it needs a little more. Your last paragraph could be a little bit longer/stronger. Try to find more facts (maybe a quote) that supports your opinion.

    Your title indicates that you oppose the Bulb Act, but from your analysis, it seems like you are siding with liberals. Try to be clear about your opinion from the title to the end.

    Good facts. Try to infuse all of them into your article. For instance, the stat about the efficiency of the bulbs should be in paragraph 1(your intro).

    Also, let me know the source. Example: "According to Popular Science magazine, the new bulbs will reduce...%"

    It's a good post, let's just add a few things to get up to get it closer to perfect.

    Grade: 90
