Monday, September 12, 2011

9/11 : The Propaganda Machine

It's been 10 years now.  We still remember the Two Towers collapsing and people screaming in terror.  We also remember the First Responders who risked their own lives to save a thousand others.  However, this tragedy has bought upon us two of the longest wars in American history.  The First Responders have also been fighting medical issues after the 9/11 attack. I was 9 years old when it happened.  I grew up with George Bush and the two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I have now come to realised that all of this remember 9/11 is mainly propaganda.  I'm concerned that they're using this anniversary to encourage people to sympathise with the wars.

On 9/11/11 Jeff Jacoby wrote on the Boston Sunday Globe an opinion piece entitled After 10 years, it's still a Fight for Freedom.  Jacoby wrote "That as part of George W. Bush's war against terrorism, Bush had a "Freedom Agenda" that was a campaign to democratise the Middle East".  Jacoby states "That this "Freedom agenda's" goal was based on the idea that dictatorships and theocracies breed terrorism".  While I agree that freedom and democracy are what is needed in the Middle East, I am confused as to why some of our strongest allies are dictators and theocracies.  In Michael Moore's documentary Fahrenheit 911 he describes in detail that the Bush family were long time friends of the Saudi royal family.

      In December 2010 Jon Stewart, host of The Daily Show had four First Responders as his guests to talk about the 9/11 First Responders bill.  He was frustrated that the Republican Party that was using  9/11 as a "catchphrase" was turning it's back on it's heroes.  The First Responders talked about how they now have cancer, heart disease, and brain damage because of 9/11.  After this show he shamed congress so much that they had to pass the bill.  I find it disgusting that it took a comedian to help pass a bill.  I sympathise with the dead family members of millions of Americans but 9/11 did not have to bring us ten years of two wars.




Factbox: *On 9/11/11 Jeff Jacoby  wrote an article in the Boston Sunday Globe called After Ten Years it's still a fight for freedom.

* In Michael Moore's documentary: Fahrenheit 911 he talked about how Bush had good connections with the Saudis and how he used 9/11 to start the war in Iraq.
* In December 2010 Jon Stewart had four First Responders come on his show.


1 comment:

  1. JTF (Flynn?),

    Good first post. You open up the subject well and dive into your analysis. But you seem to be missing the opposing viewpoint. Who would oppose your view? Try to find more info about your intellectual opponents and what they are saying.

    Try numbering your facts. I like them listed at the bottom, but try to organize them better.

    Grade: 90
